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mandos brief #13 - week 33 2023

Brief #13: LinkedIn Hack, Google's Quantum Security, PS Vulns

Mandos Brief, Week 33 2023: LinkedIn hacking campaign, Google's quantum-resilient security, vulnerabilities in CODESYS, PowerShell Gallery flaws, and more.

Aug 21 7 min read
mandos brief #13 - week 32 2023

Brief #12: Intel's Downfall CPU Flaw, Tesla's Jailbreak and More

Mandos Brief, Week 32 2023: Intel's "Downfall" vulnerability, Tesla's unpatchable infotainment jailbreak, North Korea's cyber espionage on Russia and more.

Aug 14 5 min read
mandos brief #11 - week 30 2023

Brief #11: US Hospital Cyberattack, Stealthy MacOS Malware

Mandos Brief, Week 31 2023: A nationwide cyberattack on US hospitals, the discovery of a stealthy MacOS malware, Canon printers exposing Wi-Fi data and more.

Aug 7 6 min read
mandos brief #10 - week 30 2023

Brief #10: SEC Cyber Disclosure Mandate, Ubuntu Vulnerabilities

Mandos Brief, Week 30 2023: LSEC's new cyber attack disclosure rules, privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Ubuntu, flaws in TETRA radio encryption and more.

Jul 31 6 min read
mandos brief #9 - week 29 2023

Brief #9: Microsoft's Key Breach, US Military Emails Leak

Mandos Brief, Week 29 2023: Microsoft's security key breach, a typo causing US military emails leak, vulnerabilities in Citrix, SophosEncrypt malware and more.

Jul 24 7 min read
mandos brief #8 - week 28 2023

Brief #8: Revolut's $20M Loss, ScarletEEL's Cloud Exploits

Mandos Brief, Week 28 2023: Revolut's costly loophole, ScarletEEL's cloud exploits, Storm0558's email breaches, ToiToin attacks South America and more .

Jul 17 6 min read
mandos brief #7 - week 27 2023

Brief #7: Cyber Threats Target Law Firms, Ports, and More

Mandos Brief, Week 27 2023: Latest cybersecurity threats hitting law firms, ports, and the implications of France's new surveillance law, rising TrueBot malware

Jul 10 5 min read
mandos brief #6 - week 26 2023

Brief #6: Top 25 Software Weaknesses, TSMC Ransomware

Mandos Brief, Week 26 2023: MITRE's top 25 software weaknesses, TSMC's ransomware predicament, strategies for a skilled cybersecurity workforce and more.

Jul 3 5 min read
mandos brief #5 - week 25 2023

Brief #5: Apple's TriangledB Takedown, AnyConnect Under Fire

Mandos Brief, Week 25 2023: Apple tackles TriangledB, Cisco's AnyConnect vulnerability, Microsoft's fight against DDoS attacks, and NSA's warning on BlackLotus.

Jun 26 6 min read

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